ALICIA TURNER holds an MA in English and is an English Instructor, poet, & storyteller. She believes that writing is welcoming yourself back home. You can find her jotting down confessional, conversational tidbits of every-day life somewhere in WV. Her work is featured or forthcoming in Four Lines (4lines), CTD's ‘Pen-2-Paper’ project, Voicemail Poems, FreezeRay Poetry, Drunk Monkeys, Luna Luna, Defunkt Magazine, Sybil Journal, The Daily Drunk, ExPat Press, Rejection Letters Press, Screen Door Review, J Journal Literary Magazine, Sledgehammer Lit, Taint Taint Taint Magazine, Cartridge Lit., Space City Underground, Anti-Heroin Chic, Pink Apple Press, Luphyr Magazine, The Expressionist Literary Magazine, The Expressionist Magazine, among others.
You can find Alicia's poetry Instagram here: